Fourth Grade FAQs- Important Information About Our Class

Q: How do I get in touch with my child's teacher?
A: Our school phone number is 903-842-3071. Mrs. Bright's email is [email protected]. Mrs. Tarrant's email is [email protected].
Q: When are teachers available for a parent conference?
A: Our conference period is from 8:50-9:40 each day. If you would like to come in for a conference, please let us know in advance by calling, emailing, or writing a note to make sure we don't have another meeting scheduled at that time.
Q: Will my child have homework in fourth grade?
A: Yes. Homework is sent home each Monday for the week. Mrs. Bright's language arts homework is due by Thursday, and Mrs. Tarrant's math homework is due by Friday. In addition, we also have weekly spelling words. We work on these at school, but students should also study at home as needed. Your child should also read his/her AR book at home for about 15-20 minutes each night.
Q: How can I keep up with my child's grades?
A: Your child will bring home a graded work folder every Monday with graded papers from both teachers. Assignments done on Seesaw will have the grade shown on each assignment. Grades are entered in Skyward weekly, so you should be able to see all grades for all subjects in your Skyward parent account. Progress reports are sent home every three weeks.