Mrs. Foley's Fantastic Firsties
Hi! My name is Mrs. Myra Foley and I am so excited to be your first grade teacher this year! I live in Whitehouse and have been married for 28 years. We have three children, three grandsons, and two fur-kitties. I graduated from University of Texas at Tyler. This is my sixth year teaching and my third year teaching first grade. My husband and I are BIG Texas Rangers fans! My favorite thing to do to relax is spend time with my children and grandchildren at the beach.
Myra Foley
(903) 842-3071
Hours of availability:
M-F 7:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m
Conference: 9:45 - 10:35
Smartphones: type in web browser
Other: text @976e6ae to 81010 or (303) 731-4514
Class Facebook page in the works!