CASSIE WHITHAM » Hello Lovely Reader!

Hello Lovely Reader!

This will be my fifth year at the AMAZING Troup ISD.  This year I have made the jump to 4th grade and I'm excited to team teach with the awesome Mrs. Tarrant (Math & Science) and I will be working with ELAR AND Social Studies. This year we will learn new faces, experience new adventures and make memories!
 I graduated from UT Tyler in 2009 with my Bachelors in Interdisciplinary Studies and a certificate in EC-4th grade with ESL.

I absolutely love teaching our Troup Tigers and seeing them blossom throughout each year. I have been blessed with my own kiddos who consume my every minute when I am away from school. My oldest and sweetest, Grayson Belle has such love and dedication for her favorite sport, softball. Then there are my mischievous and wild twin boys, Grant and Garrett who are all about making messes and getting dirty! These two keep me on my toes and never have a dull moment. Garrett is like his sister and LOVES playing baseball. He too always has some type of a ball in his hands. Grant is as close to Flash as it comes! He is never still, always on the move and LOVES to see how high and how far he can jump. Needless to say my life is never boring! 

I thank God for the many blessings he has given me and especially for allowing me to work with the families of Troup ISD. It's going to be a magnificent year full of learning!!!


You can contact me at [email protected],find me on Remind!


Ms. Whitham’s Class Schedule


7:30- 7:50   Breakfast/ Announcements/

                  M/W/F Math & T/R DEAR

7:50            Tardy bell rings

7:50- 8:00   Reading/ Language Arts (Whitham’s Homeroom)

8:00- 8:30   Tiger Time

8:30- 8:50   Reading/Language Arts (Whitham’s Homeroom)

8:50- 9:40   Conference/Specials

9:40- 11:10   Reading/Language Arts (Whitham’s Homeroom)

10:50- 11:25  Social Studies (Whitham’s Homeroom)

11:25            Switch Classes

11:25- 11:45   Reading/Language Arts (Tarrant’s Homeroom)

11:45- 12:15   Recess

12:15- 12:45  Lunch

12:45- 1:20   Tiger Time (Tarrant’s Homeroom)

1:20- 2:45    Reading/Language Arts (Tarrant’s Homeroom)

2:45- 3:15    Social Studies (Tarrant’s Homeroom)

3:15              Switch back to homeroom class

                    Line up buses & car riders

3:20             Dismissal

PE- Monday’s/Wednesday’s /1st & 3rd Friday’s

Music- Thursday’s/ 4th Friday’s

Computers/STEM Tuesday’s/ 2nd Friday’s

Restroom Break- 9:40- 9:45  & 12:45-12:50